Solar Remote Monitoring Solutions

Get real-time solar data at your fingertips. Ditch the guesswork and maximize your investments with our solar remote monitoring systems.

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zero export solar device

What is Solar Monitoring?

zero export solar device

Invested in solar panels, but is it paying off? Investing in clean energy, but unsure if its working efficiently? Without monitoring your solar panels, its difficult to track your panels’ performance, identify problems or maximize your ROI. 

Solar monitoring systems are your secret weapon to clean energy and valuable insights into energy production. INTELLO recommends investing in solar panel remote monitoring systems designed for ease of use to get real-time data on maximizing investment and tracking performance.

So, ready to save money and feel good knowing your energy is leaving a legacy for future generations?

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Key Features

User-friendly interface with centralized monitoring

Real-time solutions for diverse monitoring needs

Get instant analysis with a centralized dashboard

Locate sites with Integrated Google Maps

Quick summaries of your carbon footprint reduction

Customized reporting at your fingertips

Simple yet powerful management
with Remote Terminal Unit

Operate with unbreakable connections from anywhere

Key Features

User-friendly interface with centralized monitoring

Real-time solutions for diverse monitoring needs

Get instant analysis with a centralized dashboard

Locate sites with Integrated Google Maps

Quick summaries of your carbon footprint reduction

Customized reporting at your fingertips

Simple yet powerful management
with Remote Terminal Unit

Operate with unbreakable connections from anywhere

Key Features


  1. Easy user interface
  2. Summary view of active performance
  3. Centralized monitoring with predictable maintenance
  4. Real-time performance ratio and solar yield calculation
  5. Dedicated mobile application for captive use customers
  6. Big data storage to monitor at any scale
  7. Site-level reports and complaint system
  8. White labeling of the interface for large EPC companies

Central Dashboard

  1. Complete portfolio with graphical representation
  2. Quick totals on carbon footprint reduction
  3. 7-day instant analysis to compare site performance
  4. Site and inverter level quick reports and charts
  5. Importable data for customized reports and plotting
  6. Historical Daily/Monthly/Yearly Reports
  7. Real-time monitoring with data refresh intervals of 5 mins
  8. WMS data visualization to co-relate with the performance
  9. Quick View based on Site status to point faults/errors on a site
  10. Map view to locate sites on Google Maps

Remote Terminal Unit

  1. Easy to install-Plug and Play in minutes
  2. Configures up to 32 inverters through a single device
  3. Remotely configurable via Internet/Mobile APP
  4. Inbuilt power source for failsafe operation
  5. A GSM-based device with a certified IP65 enclosure
  6. Compatible with all makes of inverters
  7. RS485 connectivity

Why Intello ?

5+ Years
of Experience

300+ Sites
Across India

Devices Sold

Connects up to
32 Inverters
on a Single Device

Why Intello ?

Our Products


Tired of chasing solar data? Get ready-to-use solar monitoring solutions that maximize your ROI with just a click away.

Key Features

  • Plug & Play
  • Configures up to 3 inverters
  • Inbuilt Power Source & Memory
  • Warranty: 1 Year
  • Ethernet/GSM
  • Compatible with all inverters


One device, one platform and maximum power. With our unique INTELLO Pro, you can monitor all your solar panels in a single portal.

Key Features

  • Plug & Play
  • Configures up to 32 inverters
  • Inbuilt Power Source & Memory
  • Warranty: 1 Year
  • Ethernet/GSM
  • Compatible with all inverters


Ditch site visits with INTELLO Pro+. Monitor your panels from anywhere, 24/7, and get instant updates on the system’s health and issues.

Key Features

  • TCP IP Based Logger
  • Configures up to 32 inverters
  • Inbuilt Power Source & Memory
  • Warranty: 1 Year
  • Ethernet/GSM/LAN
  • Compatible with TCPIP Inverters

INTELLO DG/ZE (DG Sync. & Grid Zero Export Device)

With INTELLO’s DG/Grid management system, your solar power will be on autopilot, from smart monitoring to seamless grid integration.

Key Features

  • Warranty: 1 Year
  • Solar power on demand with our Micro-Controller
  • Cloud Connectivity via GSM/LAN
  • Easy Installation
  • Zero Complexity


Don’t let the weather zap your solar power. Get real-time sunshine, radiation, wind, and temperature data with INTELLO WMS.

Our INTELLO Class II and III Sensors range

  • Pyranometer
  • Anemometer
  • Module Temp. Sensor
  • Ambient Temp. Sensor
  • Relative Humidity Sensor

INTELLO Module Cleaning Brush

Wash away dirt and grime. Achieve ultimate cleaning flexibility with our module cleaning brush.

Key Features

  • Reaches up to 6 metres
  • Extendable with water inlets
  • Nylon UV-treated bristles
  • Used for dry and wet cleaning
  • Gentle on panels

Solar Track On-the-Go

Solar at your fingertips. Take control of your solar with the INTELLO mobile app (iOS & Android) from anywhere. Our user-friendly app makes understanding solar output easy for homeowners and EPC companies. Make solar monitoring a breeze and say goodbye to performance justifications with INTELLO.

2500+ Downloads on iOS and Android

India’s 1st App to Identify Nature of Faults

Register Complaints via the Phone App

Get 7-Day Instant Analysis to Compare Multiple Sites

Client Testimonials

Nulla id mi eget dui vestibulum aliquet. Duis at est sem. Maecenas nec aliquet erat. In non scelerisque sem. Donec a nulla lacinia, semper risus quis, convallis tortor. Quisque dapibus tempor libero, sed maximus nibh mattis

Testimonial #1 Designation

Nulla id mi eget dui vestibulum aliquet. Duis at est sem. Maecenas nec aliquet erat. In non scelerisque sem. Donec a nulla lacinia, semper risus quis, convallis tortor. Quisque dapibus tempor libero, sed maximus nibh mattis

Testimonial #1 Designation

Nulla id mi eget dui vestibulum aliquet. Duis at est sem. Maecenas nec aliquet erat. In non scelerisque sem. Donec a nulla lacinia, semper risus quis, convallis tortor. Quisque dapibus tempor libero, sed maximus nibh mattis

Testimonial #1 Designation

Nulla id mi eget dui vestibulum aliquet. Duis at est sem. Maecenas nec aliquet erat. In non scelerisque sem. Donec a nulla lacinia, semper risus quis, convallis tortor. Quisque dapibus tempor libero, sed maximus nibh mattis

Testimonial #1 Designation

Download Brochures

Intello Company Profile (pdf)

Intello Monitoring- Brochure (pdf)

Intello O&M- Brochure (pdf)

Intello AMC- Brochure (pdf)

Intello Portal Snapshots (pdf)

Data Sheet- Intello Pro (Data Logger) (pdf)

Data Sheet- Weather Monitoring Sensors (pdf)

Data Sheet - DG Sync,Zero Export Device (pdf)

DG Sync.&Zero Export Manual (pdf)

Solar Radiation Sensor (Pyranometer)

RTU Device

Have Solar Monitoring Questions? Top FAQ’s to Help

    Do I need solar monitoring?

Investing in a reliable solar monitor can provide valuable insights into the performance of each solar panel. By identifying any discrepancies in energy generation, you can quickly detect and address electrical faults, ensuring optimal energy production.

    How is solar activity monitored?

The National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS) collaborates with NASA and others to track the Sun and space environment. They use satellites and ground stations to monitor things, ensuring space weather doesn’t disrupt our lives.

    Can I monitor my solar panels?

You can monitor individual solar panels, but you need the right equipment. Your system must use either microinverters or DC power optimizers for a string inverter. You’ll also need a solar monitoring system or energy monitor capable of tracking individual panel production.

    How do I read a solar monitor?

Reading your solar monitor is simple:

  • Watch the display of your solar monitor
  • You will notice that it switches between positive and negative numbers
  • The positive numbers indicate the amount of electricity you have imported from the grid

This is similar to what you see on a regular electricity meter without solar.

    Which Indian airport runs on solar power?

Cochin International Airport

The CIAL Solar Power Project is a 40-megawatt (MW) photovoltaic power station established at Cochin International Airport, India. Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) achieved this remarkable feat, making Cochin International Airport the world’s first fully solar-powered airport.

    Does solar need WiFi to work?

No, Wi-Fi is not necessary for solar panels to function. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect without a Wi-Fi connection.

However, some solar systems may have Wi-Fi-enabled monitoring and control systems, allowing users to track their energy production and consumption remotely.

    How do I monitor my solar system on my phone?

Get the INTELLO’s Solar Monitoring Phone App

Take control of your solar with the INTELLO mobile app (iOS & Android) from anywhere. Our user-friendly app makes understanding solar output easy for homeowners and EPC companies. Make solar monitoring a breeze and say goodbye to performance justifications with INTELLO.

    How do you monitor solar consumption?

You can access this information through your inverter, battery app, or a third-party monitoring app. INTELLO’s mobile app is a user-friendly solution for all real-time data.

    Is Solar monitoring worth it?

A reliable solar monitor can provide insight into the performance of individual panels and alert you if one or more panels are not generating as much energy as the others. This could indicate potential electrical faults impacting your overall energy generation.

    How is solar calculated?

Anyone can determine a solar panel’s rated wattage, which is how much electricity it will produce.

Do I need solar monitoring?

Investing in a reliable solar monitor can provide valuable insights into the performance of each solar panel. By identifying any discrepancies in energy generation, you can quickly detect and address electrical faults, ensuring optimal energy production.

How is solar activity monitored?

The National Environmental Satellite, Data and Information Service (NESDIS) collaborates with NASA and others to track the Sun and space environment. They use satellites and ground stations to monitor things, ensuring space weather doesn’t disrupt our lives.

Can I monitor my solar panels?

You can monitor individual solar panels, but you need the right equipment. Your system must use either microinverters or DC power optimizers for a string inverter. You’ll also need a solar monitoring system or energy monitor capable of tracking individual panel production.

How do I read a solar monitor?

Reading your solar monitor is simple:

  • Watch the display of your solar monitor
  • You will notice that it switches between positive and negative numbers
  • The positive numbers indicate the amount of electricity you have imported from the grid

This is similar to what you see on a regular electricity meter without solar.

Which Indian airport runs on solar power?

Cochin International Airport

The CIAL Solar Power Project is a 40-megawatt (MW) photovoltaic power station established at Cochin International Airport, India. Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) achieved this remarkable feat, making Cochin International Airport the world’s first fully solar-powered airport.

Does solar need WiFi to work?

No, Wi-Fi is not necessary for solar panels to function. Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect without a Wi-Fi connection.

However, some solar systems may have Wi-Fi-enabled monitoring and control systems, allowing users to track their energy production and consumption remotely.

How do I monitor my solar system on my phone?

Get the INTELLO’s Solar Monitoring Phone App

Take control of your solar with the INTELLO mobile app (iOS & Android) from anywhere. Our user-friendly app makes understanding solar output easy for homeowners and EPC companies. Make solar monitoring a breeze and say goodbye to performance justifications with INTELLO.

How do you monitor solar consumption?

You can access this information through your inverter, battery app, or a third-party monitoring app. INTELLO’s mobile app is a user-friendly solution for all real-time data.

Is Solar monitoring worth it?

A reliable solar monitor can provide insight into the performance of individual panels and alert you if one or more panels are not generating as much energy as the others. This could indicate potential electrical faults impacting your overall energy generation.

How is solar calculated?

Anyone can determine a solar panel’s rated wattage, which is how much electricity it will produce.

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